You have been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea. This is likely a scary time in your life, and you might not fully understand what you need to do to improve your condition and continue living a productive life. While this diagnosis can be debilitating if not managed correctly, there are things you can do to continue living productively and ear muffs for sleeping well.

If you are unsure whether or not you have sleep apnea, consider setting up an audio or video recorder next to your bed. When you review the recording, watch or listen for choking, gasping or other signs that you are not getting enough air as you sleep. Present your findings to your doctor if you suspect that you do have apnea.

There are three different types of sleep apnea. Obstructive, central, and complexes are all forms of sleep apnea. You need to go to the doctor and have a professional assess which type of sleep apnea you have, so they can offer the best treatment and advice for your specific condition.

Those with sleep apnea should treat any symptoms of sinus or allergy problems. It’s already hard for you to breathe when you sleep due to your condition. The last thing you need is something else causing you difficulty breathing during your sleep. Try and clear your airways as much as possible, and keep your nasal problems to a minimum.

You can reduce the risk factors for sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can run in the family, and that is one factor that can’t be changed. Some other risk factors should be changed, such as drinking too much, smoking or weighing too much.

Although there are many things, you can do yourself regarding sleep apnea, don’t forget the help of the medical community. When dealing with a problem as serious as sleep apnea, you need to seek the help of a doctor as well as a sleep clinic in order to avoid any serious medical problems.

Make sure that your airways are open while you sleep if you suffer from sleep apnea. You can do this by using some nasal strips, a saline nose spray, or a netipot. This will allow you not to struggle so much with your breathing and the better your breathing is, the least symptoms you will experience.

Smokers who also suffer from sleep apnea need to make a difficult decision. Research shows that smoking can worsen sleeping problems such as snoring and apnea, so those who like to light up need to really look into themselves and decide what is more important, nicotine or a great night’s sleep.

Oftentimes a simple humidifier can help with the dryness and irritation caused by using a CPAP machine when treating your sleep apnea. With the constant airflow, many people suffer from dry skin and irritation from using the CPAP machine. A humidifier or special facial moisturizers can help to ease these symptoms.

Take the time to exercise your throat. Studies have shown that throat exercises can reduce sleep apnea symptoms by almost 40 percent. By practicing throat exercises daily, you can retrain your body to breathe in a way that prevents your sleep apnea. Although it may feel daunting to do the exercises daily, just envision how much more rested and energized you will feel after a good night’s sleep.

Sometimes it is possible to treat sleep apnea using devices that attach to the mouth. Some people have an overbite or narrow jaws that are set in such a way that cause the apnea. A simple corrective device may alter the jaw alignment during sleep, allowing for more air to enter the breathing passage.

Try nasal spray to help alleviate your troubling sleep apnea symptoms. Moistening of the nasal passages can decrease snoring and increase comfort! Use a little about ten minutes prior to going to bed and your sleep should be improved; for extra relief, place a humidifier in the room as well.

Having a basic understanding of your Sleep Apnea condition can help you in many ways. By taking some time to review the information presented here, you will better prepare yourself to continue living productively and enjoying a great night sleep. This makes the condition less debilitating, and it helps you to enjoy a higher quality of life.