
We have Windows 10 with us. Do you want to know what’s new to experience with it? Let’s have a quick look on the features of Windows 10:

  1. The Start Menu: Windows 10 replaces traditional Start menu option. IT gives LiveTile functionality option however if you dislike this option, you can switch it off and restore Metro apps from the start menu, returning it to purely desktop-based glory. However you can also create back windows 8 like experience.
  2. Window Store apps: In Windows 10, app-store window is opened directly on the desktop Window Screen rather than a separate tool app. It has mouse friendly toolbar of options across the top and is even designed to even fit the size of the Window.
  3. Cortana feature: It is a feature that helps you find all sorts of information using voice or text commands. This digital feature can even play music, create reminders and much more.
  4. The Edge browser: Windows 10 brings you a new browser, the Edge browser. It is designed for speed, slickness and trawling the modern web.
  5. Idea of Virtual desktop: This characteristic presents you to switch between different apps, organized how you like them. It also has deep new functionality for power users.
  6. 6. Action Centre: Cool features of any operating system include Notification pop-ups. But in Windows 8.1, this feature would soon disappear once your screen is not active. The new Window cures this illness. There is a new facility provided called Action Centre. All the notification pop-ups are achieved here.
  7. Renovating core apps: Windows 10 apps are speedy and responsive. The Mail and Calendar apps are robust one and also the features are improved like it has swipe gesture control feature and key functionality that was missing in Windows 8 counterparts.
  8. The Xbox app: Are you Xbox one fan? Well surprisingly, Windows 10 has another robust feature the Xbox app. In it Activity Feed is populated by your Xbox Live friends’ activities such as launching a Twitch Stream. You can also manage your own profile and view of achievements.
  9. Continuum: Although vastly improved on PCs, it has improved touch screen features. In order to work smoothly across platforms, Windows 10 has introduced ‘Continuum’ feature. The Windows 10, interface will change according to the device you are using. For example, if you are using Surface, you will be met with the standard desktop, if using tablet with the keyboard. As soon as you unplug the keyboard you will be redirected to Tablet mode.
  10. Unified Settings: Finally a Unified operating system. In Windows 8, you did not find all the settings at the same place, example some in Control panel and some in Windows 8 style modern apps. It was somewhat annoying to remember where to find one. Thankfully, Windows 10 eradicates this problem. It has a single place where you can have all the settings: the modern style setting apps.

With these 10 unique features, no matter what, you will find an exclusive way out of enjoying Windows 10.